Another blogger date with Jingga (bel) at Gubeng

Lempuyangan – Surabaya Gubeng – Banyuwangi Baru – Denpasar

That night after I went back from Borobudur, I took another train from Yogyakarta to Surabaya. Mas Agung, Mbak Iin and Puput drove me out to the station. The ticket for Gaya Baru Malam 2 economical class train is 2.8000 rupiahs. The train was late, again, this time I wait for another two hours before the train is arrived at 23.00 pm and took all the passengers from Yogyakarta in 5 minutes transit.


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At last I’m going to Borobudur temple on my third day in Yogya. Toko drove me to Jombor bus station in the morning where Mas Nanung pick me up and drove me to Borobudur at Magelang. I know Mas Nanung from the Indopackpacker mailing list, he is a host guide who has his own rafting business. Well at first we were planning to go on rafting before we continue the tour to the temple but I’m not that lucky since it’s a work day, not much of people who goin on vacation like I do so we delete the plan from the list.


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Taman Pintar

In my opinion Taman Pintar was build (and still build) as a scientific park for children. The park outside the main building is a playing area, completed with playing tools such as the drum wall and satellite imitation with some short explanation board for children and air mancur joged (aaahh, couldn’t find the word in English guys, sumimasen). With 3.000 rupiahs ticket’s price for adult (+19) we could enter the main building. The freshwater fish aquarium was the first thing I see when we step into the building, the half tunnel aquarium led us to a giant Tyranosaurus Rex (T-rex) and of course as model of the day, I told Toko to take a pose under the dino hehehe….


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The 2nd day in Jogja

I wake up early at the morning, listening to Puput a 3 years old girl, Mas Agung and Mbak Iin’s daughter prepared in her uniform to go to the kindergarten school in front of the house. She looks so cute in her new uniform. And there is Dita, an 8 months old baby girl, Mas Didik and Mbak Ita’s daughter who really attached with her grandfather. Aaaah they were so cute, sayang yang mau nempel cuma Puput, saya belum berhasil menggendong Dita *doakan saya supaya berhasil ya – Takeshi Castle mode on*


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A blogger-date with Jeng Carra

Still in the first day in Jogja, Carra called when I was walking among the mattres in a spring bed exhibition in the first floor in Malioboro mall. She told me that she’s already in front of the McDonald as promised, so I turn my steps to the spot. Recognized her at the first time wasn’t a hard thing to do, she looks exactly the same with her picture in her blog. A cute young woman with a bright eyes and smile, with a telletubies tummy *ditabok* wearing a blue batik cloth that she bought in Bandung. We spread our arms and hugging each other for a while *gyaaa….berpelukkkaaann*. At last, after all those posting, comments and short messages between the distance we finally see each other directly. I patted her tummy a few times, wishing for the baby’s health and a selfish wish that the baby will look just like me hehehe…


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Manggarai to Yogyakarta

I could hear the sound of the wistle before the train start to tremble and move along the railway, leaving Manggarai station. Me and other passengers passed the night through Cikampek, Cirebon, Purwokerto with full of darkness since the lamps inside the train is broken, the food and coffee seller passing through using a candle protected with a used plastic glass which has been cut out to protect the wind blow from the opened windows. The other stations wasn’t so crowded as the usual and at last I found what I’m waiting for, an old lady – a kecombrang pecel seller ^^ at Wates station when the light starts to filled in the train. With 3.000 rupiahs you get one packet of breakfast (vegetables, lontong and bakwan that has been cut into small pieces, with pieces of the kecombrang flower that has been boiled and of course poured with pecel seasons (peanuts, chilly, javanesse red sugar which has been mixed thoroughly with water)) served upon folded banana leaves. Yummyyy…… 


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Reasons for the journey – day zero

Well, last month since I’m closing up my second contract I get a whole month break during the summer. Not exactly a whole month since I still have to go to the office for a few days after my contract end, preparing the docs, still doing the requested homework to be send to our colleague on the weekend while my comp has been blocked automatically with all the data in it. But I thought working for couple more days won’t kill me and better be doing it at that time if I don’t want them to ruin my holiday with the phone calls attacks.


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Cape deh…

Untuk beberapa bulan terakhir ini mendekati ulang tahun saya yang ke-29 yang jatuh pada bulan juli lalu hingga kemarin sore, banyak orang-orang mulai dari nyokap, teman-teman, tante kos sampai bos yang almost always rewel setiap kali makan siyang bareng mengkait-kaitkan umur dengan pernikahan. Targetnya selain saya adalah si miss kucing garong yang status katepe-nya masih lajang. Kapan nih rencananya? Cepat dong, nanti keburu tua loh – keburu karatan katanya, dirawat dong kulitnya biar cepet laku ‘emang kacang goreng kali laku’. Meributkan berbagai macam hal yang menurut saya itu gak penting penting banget karena gak bikin nyawa terancam kan, dari make up hingga urusan berkembang biak….sesekali mendengar celotehan seperti itu sih saya rasa masuk kiri keluar kanan, kalo keseringan lama-lama pingin nampolin juga rasanya. Apa-apa yang over dosis emang gak baik buat fisik dan raga….

*greget pingin nyemack-down orang kemarin*


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I’m back ^^

Hummm….. after a month holidays and two weeks journey all around Bogor – Jakarta – Jogjakarta – Surabaya (transit) – Banyuwangi (transit, tiket’e ketilep) – (dapet tebengan sampai) Denpasar – Jogjakarta – Jakarta – Bogor I’m back guys ^^ Its quite a long railway trip, hectic schedulle but a very excited journey for me. Postponed the plan a few times because I’m not so sure, and at the end I decided that I need to do this journey, looking for some salvation for my soul, away from big city crowd.


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